Terms of use

1 General Information

1.1 These terms of Use apply to your use of the website under our domain takwirabet.com or any other domain with the same brand (takwirabet) (collectively, the websites to which these terms apply, the “Websites”), including the products and services provided through the Websites (collectively, the “Products and Services”), and form an integral part of the Terms of Conditions.

1.2 Your use of any Website or Service will be subject to, at a minimum, the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and these Terms of Use.

1.3 In addition, your use of any Website Products and Services may also be subject to the terms of any legal notice applicable to the Website Products and Services, in addition to the Terms of Use.

1.4 All such terms supplementing these Terms of Use are referred to below as the “Additional Terms.” Where Additional Terms apply to Websites, Product and Services, these will be made accessible for you to read within, or through your use of, that Website Product or Service.

1.5 The Terms of Use, together with any Additional Terms, the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Policy, form a binding legal agreement between you and takwirabet in relation to your use of the Website Products and Services.

1.6 These Terms of Use are effective from February 11, 2019. All previous Terms of Use are to be considered cancelled.

2. Your Agreement to the Terms of Use

2.1 Your access or use of any website products or service in any way, signifies that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms of use.

2.2 By accessing or using any Website Products or Service offered, you also represent that you have the legal authority to accept the Terms of Use on behalf of yourself and any party you represent in connection with your use.

2.3 If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, you are not authorized to use the Website or any of the associated Product or Service.

3. General Provision of the Websites and Services

3.1 takwirabet makes the Websites and Services available to you in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Terms of Use, and the Privacy Statement. You may only use the Websites Product and Services in accordance with these ‘Terms’ and any applicable Additional Terms.

3.2 In particular, but without limitation, you may not use the Websites, its Products and Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these, any applicable Additional Terms, or any other conditions or notices that are made available on any Website Products or Services.

3.3 The Websites and Services are controlled and offered by takwirabet, or its partners or 3rd parties. takwirabet makes no representations that the Websites or Services are appropriate or available for use in or from other locations.

3.4 If you are accessing or using any Website Products or Service from other jurisdictions, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for compliance with local applicable law.

4. Prohibited User Conduct

4.1  You agree not to use the Websites or any of its Products and Services to:

4.1.1 use or transmit any Content or information that you do not have the right to post or use, under intellectual property, confidentiality, privacy or other applicable laws;
4.1.2 use or transmit unsolicited or unauthorized information or content, including advertising or promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of unsolicited or unwelcome solicitation or advertising;
4.1.3 use or transmit information or content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the Websites Products and Services or servers and networks connected to the Websites Products or Services, or that disobeys any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Websites Products or Services;
4.1.4. Post or transmit Content that is harmful, offensive, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, defamatory, hateful or otherwise discriminatory, false and misleading, incites an illegal act, or is otherwise in breach of your obligations to any person or contrary to any applicable laws and regulations;
4.1.5 Use or attempt to use another’s account, service, or personal information;
4.1.6 Remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with any security-related features that enforce limitations on the use of the Websites Products or Services;
4.1.7 Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Websites Products or Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Websites or Services, through hacking password mining or any other means or interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Websites or Services or any activities conducted through the Websites or Services;
4.1.8 Use any means to bypass or ignore robots.txt, or other measures we use to restrict access or use of the Websites or Services;
4.1.9 Impersonate another person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

4.2 You agree that you may not (and may not authorize another party to):
4.2.1 frame or otherwise co-brand the Websites or Services (for example, by displaying a name, logo, trademark or other means of attribution of a third party that is reasonably likely to give the user the impression that that third party has the right to display, publish or distribute the Website or Service);
4.2.2 use any Website or Service in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage or impair such Website or Service, or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of any Website or Service.

5 Fraud Prevention

5.1 You agree that takwirabet has a zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate play and fraudulent activity.

5.2 If, in Our sole determination, You are found to have cheated or attempted to defraud takwirabet or any other user of any of the Services in any way, including but not limited to game manipulation or payment fraud, manipulation of the multi-currency facilities, betting on all possible outcomes of a game or event or if we suspect you of fraudulent payment, including use of stolen credit cards, or any other fraudulent activity (including also charge-back or other reversal of a payment) or prohibited transaction (including but not limited to money laundering) or if your deposits failed to be honored by your bank for any reason, takwirabet reserves the right to suspend and/or close your account and recover bad debts using whichever method may lawfully be available to us including, but not limited to:

5.2.1 debiting the amount owed by you from Your Account;
5.2.2 instructing third-party collections agencies to recover false claims of fraud and to collect the debts. This may have a detrimental impact on your credit rating and will require takwirabet to share your personal information (including your identity) with appropriate agencies and to report any criminal or suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities;
5.2.3 prosecuting fake charge-backs.

6. Money Laundering

6.1  We operate our activities in accordance with guidelines covering the laundering of monies acquired through illegal means and the prevention of funding of terrorism as prescribed in Directives 2005/60/CE and 2006/70/CE of the EU and The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) as well as Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-56) of the United States of America.

6.2 In accordance with these Directives and Acts the Company declares to use a number of procedures designed to detect and prevent Money Laundering and the Funding of Terrorism, these will include to:

6.2.1 maintain an active relationship with Forces of Law and Order;
6.2.2 report to the relevant authorities any suspicious or fraudulent activity on the account;
6.2.3 keep a record of certain documents;
6.2.4 maintain a high level of internal security checks;
6.2.5 carry out a correct and consistent assessment of risk for every operation, financial or otherwise;
6.2.6 do everything in its powers to properly register and identify each user / bettor through recognized KYC (Know Your Client) practices;
6.2.7 maintain the security and traceability of all financial transactions: to this end we observe the ban on cash transactions over 12,500 Euros, between individuals, even where the total is greater than 12,500 Euros but may be broken down in to smaller amounts. Any amount of 12,500 Euros will be transferred via an international Bank Transfer, Bank Wire, Electronic Money.

6.3 In order to properly verify it’s users / bettors and carry out the proper KYC procedures we will:

6.3.1 identify the user at the point of registration and for every money payment which benefits the user / bettor;
6.3.2 verify the identity of the user / bettor based on documents, data and information provided by the same user / bettor or from a reliable independent source;
6.3.3 keep a record of the operations carried out by the user / bettor;
6.3.4 continue to monitor user / bettor activities and details whilst the betting account is active and during the course of any professional relationship.

6.4 You agree that we are obliged to report to the relevant authorities any suspicious or fraudulent activity on the account. All such reporting will be done in accordance with the law and will be respect the privacy of any individual who brings some suspected fraudulent activity to the Company’s attention.

6.5 An account which is suspected of some fraudulent activity will be disabled and will remain disabled until the end of investigation by the relevant authorities

7 No Membership

7.1 As used in these Terms of use, the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, or everywhere else on the Websites, “Registered User” means a person who has registered and obtained an account on one of our Websites. Becoming a Registered User or using any of the related Websites Products or Services , does not and shall not be deemed to make you a member, shareholder or affiliate of takwirabet for any purposes whatsoever.

8 Termination of this Agreement

8.1 These Terms and any Additional Terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or takwirabet as set out below. Your right to access and use the Websites and Services terminates automatically upon your breach of any of these Terms or Additional Terms that may apply to any of the Websites or Services.

8.2 In addition to what stated in the Terms and Conditions, takwirabet may, at any time:

8.2.1 modify, suspend or terminate the operation of or access to any of the Websites or Services, or any portion of the Websites or Services, for any reason;
8.2.2 modify or change the Websites or Services, or any portion of the Websites or Services, and any Terms, Additional Terms and other policies governing the use of the Websites or Services, for any reason;
8.2.3 interrupt the operation of the Websites or Services, or any portion of the Websites or Services, for any reason, all as takwirabet deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

8.3 Your access to, and use of, the Websites or Services may be terminated by you or by takwirabet at any time and for any reason.

8.4 takwirabet will use reasonable efforts to notify you in advance about any material modification, suspension or termination not caused by your breach of the Terms.

8.5 The disclaimers warranties, liability and the jurisdiction and applicable law provisions (TnC) shall survive any termination.